Tuesday, November 09, 2010

What is the ideal physical environment? #classroomdisplays

  • What would the ideal physical environment for the setting in which you currently work as an educator look like?
  • How do you think the features of this environment would serve to enhance student learning?
In my ideal physical environment as an educator, my classroom and school would include several key features. The school building would have natural light throughout the hallways and classrooms. According to researchers, if a classroom is dark it may cause the pineal gland to produce melatonin which could decrease the alertness of the brain (Hardiman, 2003, p.42). Therefore, if a setting is well lit, students are going to feel more energized and awake. In my current classroom, there are numerous children who come to school tired from lack of sleep. I need a way to help wake them up and keep them energized.  Along the same lines, the walls in both the hallways and classrooms would encompass samples of student work that reflect the objectives that students are mastering in their classes. There would be bright, colorful bulletin boards and learning materials on the walls to keep the students engaged.  

What would your ideal school environment look like?

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