Friday, July 29, 2011

The 5th Wall: Rainforest Trees

Rainforest Trees

The Rainforest is a great eco project and can be done across the age range. One of my favourite displays is to make a large tree and the canopy. To do this you will need:

Rolls of brown paper (either packing paper or backing paper)
Rolls of green backing paper
2 shades green crepe paper
Camouflage netting.

1) Line your ceiling with green backing paper.
2) Choose an area of your classroom for the trunk of the tree to start. Crush the paper to give a slightly 3D effect and make the trunk up to the ceiling.
3) Twist large sections of the paper to make tree boughs and link from the start of the tree to the ceiling and then 'branch' out.
4) Pin camo netting to ceiling to create a mottled leaf effect.
5) Cut strips of crepe to make vines/creepers and drape over boughs randomly. These will look effective and help to create movement in the classroom with any breezes.

Very practical instructions for making a rainforest canopy but it really needs some photos. I suppose it depends on how you like to do things. I learn much faster visually. Have a look at the Rainforest Displays in Year 4 for more ideas.

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