Thursday, December 15, 2011

How do you promote whole school behaviour policies in displays? 'Rose Hill Primary " The Independent

there were some measures that could be taken more quickly to improve standards at the school – particularly in terms of behaviour. Each classroom displays a five-star poster indicating the rules for good behaviour. Their prominent display ensures that the message gets through to pupils.

They include: making the school a healthy and safe place where you can learn; always walk through the school (rather than run); be polite and show respect to other people and their property; listen to others; come to school on time and ready to learn.

Rosehill is the 'most improved school' according to this Independent article. I wonder how effective these generic 5 star posters were . I assume they must have formed part of much deeper work that went on in every class. Prominent display alone is rarely effective. There needs to be engagement and, I would suggest, some sense of ownership. How do you promote whole school behaviour policies in displays?

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